University of Zagreb – Faculty of Law (MPPG)
About the BCNet partner institution
The Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (PFZ), was established in 1776 and while it remains proud of its fine tradition, it seeks to be a modern institution engaged in cutting-edge research and education. The PFZ hosts the MPPG which coordinated the BCN et.
About the BCNet Member
Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac obtained her doctoral degree (Dr. jur.) at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg – Faculty of Law in 2010. She joined the PFZ as lecturer in 2006 and was appointed Assistant Professor in 2011. She was appointed head of the MPPG in November 2012. She conducted a variety of national and international research projects and spent several terms as scientific researcher at the MPI. Her list of publications includes authored, co-authored, edited and co-edited books, articles and conference papers in Croatian, English, German, Italian and Spanish. She received several national and international awards and fellowships and is a member of the Croatian Academy for Legal Sciences, the Croatian Society for Criminal Law Sciences and Practice, the Croatian Society of Criminalists and the European Society of Criminology(member of the board since 2014).